Thursday, November 10, 2016

Steps to reconciling with this season

For many of us, roughly 59,938,290 of us, we've entered a season of grief. And many of us will sit in those different stages of grief for longer than others and even bypass certain stages altogether.
Unfortunately, the masses have made impossible for us to be in denial, but they've definitely cultivated the anger in us.

So how then do we reconcile what's happened?
I don't think we ever make sense of it, and I certainly don't think we ever become okay with it.

But I think that we come to find some peace within ourselves.

As we continue in this season of heartache, anger, and great impatience with those who don't understand why we're feeling what we're feeling we must learn to rest in our identities. And to rest in the communities who support us.

And as I learn that I need to take my own advice I'll say:

Let's take a break from social media for a little while. Let's stop interacting with those who's minds cannot be changed, stop wasting our precious breath, and talk with those who CAN empathize with us. Let's find love, peace, and hope in one another.

Let's sit back with a good book (preferably not a dystopian, thanks) and escape for a little bit. Let's have a cup of tea, put some lavender in the air, take a bubble bath, take a nap and rest. Let's lower our heart rates and reconnect with the peace that lives in us. The peace we had before this election season stirred so much concern and pain that lay dormant.

As much as it hurts to hear, what's done is done. We cast our vote, we did our best, we tried to spread the word and everything went contrary to what we'd hoped.

There's still a fight, to protect the rights some might wish to steal. But if beat our heads into a wall (no pun intended) that cannot be penetrated we'll run out of the energy we'll need to climb it.

So please rest with me, for a few days or a couple of weeks. However long you need to reconcile what's happened, and then we'll come back. We'll focus on the right things, the things we can effect and protect. But until then, let's regain our strength. This season has been exhausting for all of us.


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